Whose investment are you?

Whose investment are you?

Whose investment are you? The fact is, most people work for someone or some organisation. From the employer’s perspective, their employees represent an investment; an asset. From an employee’s perspective, their employer is a means to an end. That end,...

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Why 2019 is a year of opportunity for property investors

Why 2019 is a year of opportunity for property investors

It’s my strong belief that we are currently in a window of opportunity for those investors who are prepared to block out the noise, remove the blinkers, focus on fundamentals, and to buy well at a time when there’s fewer...

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Why investors shouldn’t be overly concerned with interest rates

Why investors shouldn’t be overly concerned with interest rates

Why investors shouldn’t be overly concerned with interest rates One Sydney property veteran has urged buyers to widen their financial focus at this time beyond interest rate rises.  Sam Elbanna, director of Sydney-based project marketing firm Laver, has outlined how...

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Why property investors shouldn’t fall for media fearmongering: the upturn is here

Why property investors shouldn’t fall for media fearmongering: the upturn is here

Why property investors shouldn’t fall for media fearmongering: the upturn is here People have been predicting the end of the world exactly since… the beginning of the world. It’s a natural human tendency to fear the unknown, and the media...

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Year 2: How COVID changed the Australian property market game

Year 2: How COVID changed the Australian property market game

As the two-year milestone of the pandemic approaches, an expert counted off the ways the Australian housing market has been impacted by the major public health event. Two years ago, in March 2020, Australia first joined the not-so-coveted COVID club. ...

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